Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul

On June 29, we celebrated the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul with faithful from Wilkes-Barre area parishes, including: Holy Resurrection Cathedral, St. John's in Edwardsville, Sts. Peter & Paul in Uniondale, and St. Michael's in Old Forge. Sts. Peter & Paul were two men whose dedication to the formation and sustenance of Christianity in the first century AD made them true pillars of the Church. Both men were chosen by Christ to minister to the world and both were given new names to mark their new life in Christ. They both embraced their martyrdom in Rome circa 67 AD. On June 30 we also celebrate the Holy Apostles whose ministry to all ends of the known world spread the message of God's Word further. (The Fast of the Holy Apostles Peter & Paul begins the Monday after All Saints to June 29/July 12. It requires the same preparation as any Lenten period.) Their resolve, commitment and enthusiasm gave our Church life and firm ground. We should look to them for inspiration as we work towards the support and growth of our Church. Read more on the Antiochian Archdiocese website.

The Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter & Paul

Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul Image Gallery - 06/29/23

View the Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Image Gallery

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Wilkes Barre PA 18705
Phone: 570-825-6540
Email: fr. innocent@wbholytrinity.org