Baptism of Gabriel Brisk - 08/19/23
Baptism of Gabriel Brisk |
Liturgy 7/23/2023 with blessing of cars - 07/23/23
Celebrating St. Elijah we blessed the cars of the faithful after Liturgy. |
The Feast of the Holy Apostles Sts. Peter and Paul - 07/11/23
On June 29, we celebrate the feasts of Saints Peter and Paul, two men whose dedication to the formation and sustenance of Christianity in the first century AD made them true pillars of the Church. Both men were chosen by Christ to minister to the world and both were given new names to mark their new life in Christ. They both embraced their martyrdom in Rome circa 67 AD. On June 30 we also celebrate the Holy Apostles whose ministry to all ends of the known world spread the message of God's Word further. (The Fast of the Holy Apostles Peter & Paul begins the Monday after All Saints to June 29/July 12. It requires the same preparation as any Lenten period.) Their resolve, commitment and enthusiasm gave our Church life and firm ground. We should look to them for inspiration as we work towards the support and growth of our Church. |
The Feast of Feasts: Holy Pascha 2023 - 04/16/23
On Sunday, April 16th, the Holy Trinity community - along with His Eminence Archbishop Mark - celebrated the Feast of all Feasts Great and Holy Pascha. |
Great & Holy Pascha 2022 at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church - 04/27/22
A little before midnight on the Blessed Sabbath the Nocturne service is chanted. The celebrant goes to the tomb and removes the winding-sheet. He carries it through the royal doors and places it on the altar table where it remains for forty days until the day of Ascension.
At midnight the Easter procession begins. The people leave the church building singing:
The angels in heaven, O Christ our Savior, sing of Thy resurrection. Make us on earth also worthy to hymn Thee with a pure heart.
The procession circles the church building and returns to the closed doors of the front of the church. This procession of the Christians on Easter night recalls the original baptismal procession from the darkness and death of this world to the light and the life of the Kingdom of God. It is the procession of the holy passover, from death unto life, from earth unto heaven, from this age to the age to come which will never end. |
Holy Week 2022 at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church - 04/27/22
In the Orthodox Church the last week of Christ’s life is officially called Passion Week. In popular terminology it is called Holy Week. Each day is designated in the service books as “great and holy.” There are special services every day of the week which are fulfilled in all churches. Earthly life ceases for the faithful as they “go up with the Lord to Jerusalem” |
Homily for the Sunday After Theophany - 01/08/22
by Subdeacon Gregory Polk IN the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Glory to Jesus Christ! Well, here we are, in the beginning weeks of January, the first month of a New Year. I often find myself in an unusual state of mind at this time. Christmas was literally only two weeks earlier but it seems like months have passed. Thanksgiving seems like it was an eternity ago. But that’s what life in the 21st century has become; everything is on fast forward and living in America, Christmas is celebrated almost everyday in December and then on the morning of December 26, we have to hurry to put it away for another year. |
Holy Dormition 2021 - 08/19/21
On Sunday, August 14th the faithful of Holy Trinity & Holy Resurrection Cathedral celebrated the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God. Following Divine Liturgy flowers were blessed. A special coffee hour was held for the feast. It was a most joyful and beautiful feast! |
Holy Transfiguration 2021 - 08/06/21
The Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ is celebrated each year on August 6. The feast commemorates the transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor, when our Lord appeared in His divine glory before the Apostles Peter, James, and John. |
Tyler (Jacob) & Olivia Zawatski - 07/25/21
Congratulations and many years to Tyler (Jacob) & Olivia Zawatski. The Zawatski's were married at Holy Trinity on July 25th, 2021. The newly wedded couple will be attending St. Tikhon's Seminary this fall. God's blessings and many years to you both! |
Holy Pentecost 2021 - 06/21/21
June 20, 2021, the Holy Trinity community celebrated its parish feast day on the Great Feast of Holy Pentecost. Divine Liturgy was followed by our first parish pot-luck since before the pandemic. We are so thankful to Our Lord for the gift of His Holy Spirit that he sent on this day out of His love and compassion for His creation. |
Holy Saturday & Pascha Photos - 05/04/21
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! What a glorious and joyful Pascha we at Holy Trinity experienced. This Pascha truly felt like a resurrection! We are so thankful to everyone who made it possible, especially Our Lord for all of His blessings and the salvation He bestows on all Orthodox Christians through His resurrection! |
Palm Sunday & Holy Week Photos - 05/04/21
Thanks be to God, this year the Holy Trinity community celebrated a full schedule of Holy Week Services - with services every day from Palm Sunday through Pascha. It had been two years (due to COVID) since we were all together for these services. We cannot express the joy and Our thanks to Our Lord for His blessings! A small sampling of photos are below. |
Annual Church School Christmas Yolka - 12/06/20
On Sunday, Dec 6th on the Feast Day of St. Nicholas of Myra, Holy Trinity Orthodox Church School had its annual Christmas Yolka. |
Funeral Services of His Eminence Archbishop David - 11/29/20
On Tuesday, December 1 at 3:00 PM, the funeral of His Eminence Archbishop David will be held at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church.
UPDATED 11/30: Please note that due to COVID restrictions, the services are now limited to only clergy, family, and invited guests. The viewing is open to the public. A limited amount of people will be able to enter the building at once. Faithful may have to wait to enter. Masks and social distancing are required. Thank you for understanding. |
Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 08/15/20
On Saturday, August 15th the faithful at Holy Trinity celebrated the feast of the Dormition (falling asleep) of the Mother of God. |
Great Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord - 08/06/20
On August 6th the Holy Trinity community celebrated the Great Feast fo the Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The transfiguration of Christ is one of the central events recorded in the gospels. Immediately after the Lord was recognized by His apostles as “the Christ [Messiah], the Son of the Living God,” He told them that “He must go up to Jerusalem and suffer many things . . . and be killed and on the third day be raised” (Mt 16). The announcement of Christ’s approaching passion and death was met with indignation by the disciples. And then, after rebuking them, the Lord took Peter, James, and John “up to a high mountain”—by tradition Mount Tabor—and was “transfigured before them.”
Read more about the feast at OCA.org |
Holy Trinity Honors 2020 High School Graduates - 07/01/20
On Sunday June 28, 2020, Fr Innocent of Holy Trinity Orthodox parish of Wilkes-Barre, congratulated Eva Claire King and Vladimir Holoviak, for their academic accomplishments throughout High School and valued contributions to Holy Trinity parish as active participants in Divine Services, Church School, and numerous other projects & programs. Fr Neal with help from Subdeacon Thomas Donlick, gave each an Icon of the Holy Trinity & other gifts from the parish. |
Holy Pentecost 2020 - 06/07/20
On June 7, 2020, Holy Trinity Orthodox Church reunited for the first time since the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak to celebrate our parish feast day, Holy Pentecost. |
COVID-19 - News about our Parish Reopening - 05/13/20
Visit this page for the latest information regarding our parish and the COVID-19 pandemic. We will begin the process of opening our parish on the Great Feast of Holy Pentecost. |
Holy Week & Pascha Schedule - 04/09/20
Glory to Jesus Christ. Glory Forever!
This Sunday we celebrate the Triumphal Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem. On this day we celebrate Christ's victory over death as foreshadowed by His resurrection of Lazarus from the dead and His reception into Jerusalem by His believers as the awaited for Messiah and King. This day also marks the beginning of His passion, death, and resurrection on Pascha, the ultimate conquering of death by Jesus Christ Himself.
Although we remain confined to our homes we will celebrate the milestones of Christ's passion through His resurrection as always. While we will not be with one another, we can and should remember all of the events of Holy Week in our own daily lives. It is an opportunity to enter into this Holy Week in a very intimate and personally engaged way. IF we do this we can suffer and die with Christ and also experience the joy of His resurrection in each of our hearts. |
Pre-Lenten Women's Retreat at St. Tikhon's Monastery Feb 22, 2020 - 02/13/20
A Women’s Retreat, sponsored by the Department of Curriculum and Education of the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern PA, will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2020 in St. Tikhon’s Monastery Trapeza. The topic for this year’s retreat is: “Preparing our Hearts for Great Lent.” The speaker will be Mother Gabriella, who serves as the Abbess of Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery in Rives Junction, Michigan. The cost for the retreat is $10 which includes breakfast and lunch. It is open to all women. See the flyer on the bulletin board and speak with Matushka Melanie if you would like to carpool. |
The Feast of Holy Theophany - 01/06/20
On January 5th & 6th, the community of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church celebrated the Great Feast of the Holy Theophany of our Lord. On Sunday, January 5th following Divine Liturgy we celebrated Compline, the Great Blessing of the Waters and blessed the entire church (and everyone in it). On Monday, January 6th we celebrated Divine Liturgy for the Feast. The Great Feast of Theophany celebrates the Lord's baptism by John in the Jordan and the revelation of God as Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - to the world. |
Annual Church School Christmas Yolka - 12/22/19
December 22 2019, Holy Trinity Church School children performed their annual Christmas Yolka. This year the performance included a play, several readings, singing and musical performances relating to our Lord's Nativity. Holy Trinity Orthodox Church has a thriving Church/Sunday School Program with 26 children ranging from Kindergarten to High School. |
Christmas Cookie Sale Dec 21st - 12/02/19
December 21st, 2019 Holy Trinity Orthodox Church will be holding its annual cookie sale. We will have a wide assortment of cookies to be sold by the pound or half-pound. We also hope to offer welch style cookies. The sale will begin at 9:00 AM and continue through 1:00 PM. To place pre-orders call 570-313-2180. Walk-ins are also welcome. Pricing are as follows:
1 pound - $10 1/2 pound - $5
We look forward to seeing you at the sale. God bless and Merry Christmas. |
Chrismation of Louie Gianuzzi - 11/17/19
On Sunday, November 17th Louie Michael Gianuzzi was received into the Orthodox Faith by Chrismation. Louie has been such a blessing to our parish and we are very thankful to God that he is now Orthodox and with us here at Holy Trinity. May God grant him many, many years! |
Harvest Dinner 2019 - 11/10/19
Every November parisioners at Holy Trinity gather for a wonderful thanksgiving themed "Harvest Dinner". At the dinner we offer thanks to all of our Veterans who have served us and our country. The food was outstanding as usual. We are thankful to Aimee Welgus, the Welgus family and all who worked so hard to make it a wonderful afternoon. |
Altar Server Retreat - 10/19/19
On Saturday, October 19th, following our Church School Campout, Holy Trinity held a brief Altar Server Retreat for the continuing education and training of our servers. Led by Sub-Deacon Gregory Polk, altar servers practiced entering the church, altar, folding altar server robes, small and great entrances and more. We had a great turnout! |
Church School Family Campout - 10/18/19
On Friday, October 15th, Holy Trinity children and families spent the evening and night together on the church grounds cooking-out, playing games and watching movies. We had a great time as you can see from the pictures below. |
Baptism of Giselle Soucek - 10/15/19
On Monday, October 15th Holy Trinity Orthodox Church celebrated the baptism of Giselle Soucek, daughter of Christina Soucek. May God grant her many, many years! |
Becoming Christ-Like, Lecture by Fr. Barnabas Powell - 10/03/19
On Friday October 11, 2019, it will be an honor for Holy Trinity Orthodox Parish of Wilkes-Barre to welcome the well known Orthodox Christian Priest from Georgia, Fr Barnabas Powell. Fr Barnabas will be giving a lecture that evening at 7 PM in the church, followed by a Question & Answer session. |
50th Anniversary Celebration - 09/15/19
On September 15, 2019, His Beatitude Metropolitan TIKHON, His Eminence Archbishop MARK, His Eminence Archbishop DAVID, 8 Priests, a Protodeacon, Deacons, Sub-Deacons and Altar Servers, celebrated Liturgy at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Wilkes-Barre, for the parishes 50th Anniversary! Take a look at some of the photos from the event below. |
2019 Annual Bazaar - 07/26/19
July 26-27th Holy Trinity held its Annual Bazaar featuring ethinc food, Raffles, Children's games and two live bands. |